If you are trying to change your body, health, or any other aspect of your life, you can’t do it from a space of self-criticism and judgement. – Not long term anyway.

Without compassion and self-love you will always end up self-sabotaging yourself and punishing yourself. Again and again I’ve seen coaching clients who hate their bodies, hate what they see in the mirror and believe to be useless, lazy and unworthy. Inevitably, whatever bodily improvements they achieve are temporary because they’ll find a way to sabotage their gains.

I have created this video to talk about the importance of loving yourself, and how I’ve used a simple process to love myself more to overcome an eating disorder, binge eating, emotional eating and body hatred.


To create a meaningful and more connected relationship with yourself, your body and food, I have created the ultimate guide to understand the eating habits and release excess Body Weight.

When we eat for hunger reasons instead of emotional reasons, our body stops storing body fat and we can lose weight without hunger, deprivation or any diet.

Create mindful eating habits by keeping track of WHY, HOW, WHEN AND WHAT you eat. Click on the picture to download your FREE guide.If you are ready to make changes and would like to know how Eugenia can help you, leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Otherwise for more info about how we work and how coaching can help you, visit our page HERE

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