If you have been following me for a while or maybe just looked around on my website, you will notice very quickly that I am very much against dieting and restrictions.
They just don’t work. I experienced it myself and I see it with my clients on a daily basis. It is a vicious cycle that we go into – restricting and over eating.
However, I am not against weight loss if it is done for the right reasons and the right way.
I am aware that access weight can affect health, decrease mobility, aggravate joints paint, contribute to sleep problems and snoring and the list goes on.
However, I also believe that we all have different shapes and sizes. Not every heavy person will experience health problems, and might not even need to lose weight. Some people will find themselves still being able to move, run, sleep and have great blood results.
So, what it comes down to is how someone’s weight affects their well-being. And if it does, how can it be managed in a sustainable and healthy way.
And this is what I talk about in this video:
- Why it is important to eat more to weigh less
- What to eat to lose weight without hunger and deprivation
- Why it is not necessary to exercise every day to lose weight
- How much to exercise and what type of exercises are important.
I am also excited to share my FREE NUTRITION GUIDE with you. In the guide I have included:
- Meal suggestions that will keep you satisfied and full for longer.
- Healthy and delicious recipes that are easy to make
- Guidelines how to create balanced meals for optimum results
Download your free guide HERE.

If you are ready to make changes and would like to know how I can help you, leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Otherwise for more info about how we work and how coaching can help you, visit our page HERE
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