Eating Disorder, Body Image and Disordered Eating Support

Eating disorder recovery, helping you to create a healthy relationship with food, your body and yourself.



Are you constantly worrying and thinking about food?

Is food and body image controlling your life?

Are you restricting food and overexercising?

Do you end up binge eating and even purging?

Hiding overeating and binge eating makes you feel

Do you feel trapped in your relationship with food?

We believe psychology is the missing piece to freedom and peace with food and our body.

Whether you or someone you know is looking for support with eating disorders including othorexia, bulimia nervosa, binge eating, overeating, weight and body image issues. We are here to help!

Eating Disorders are not about food or weight.

Food fear, control around food, overexercising, binge eating, and constant fears of food and body are NOT THE PROBLEM, they are SYMPTOMS AND MESSAGES. Disordered Eating can be the visible symptom of our psychology, perceived social pressure, social media, trauma, low self-esteem, habits or eating patterns. In our coaching program, we explore the deeper level of our relationship with food and our body. Only then, we can address the key drivers and heal from disordered eating behaviours.


Eating Disorder Psychology…

A holistic and gentle approach to Eating Disorder recovery. We combine nutritional education, psychology and brain science to give you freedom and peace with food and your body.

All work is underpinned by NLP, CBT, ACT and brain science to support recovery from disordered eating, body dysmorphia and body image concerns. By using the power of powerful tools and psychology, we enable positive changes from the inside out that go beyond diet and food.


Things that might hold you back from recovery.

We don’t look at the root cause

Most people, when they restrict food, overeat, binge eat and experience food cravings, they often feel the need to control their diet. They miss looking at the underlying reasons for these behaviours around eating and weight control. We first must identify the underlying elements that lead to repeating the same behaviour patterns and then correct the individual factors so a healthy relationship with food becomes effortless.

You are not working with professionals who specialise in eating disorder recovery.

Many approaches focus on talking therapy. This is often not enough to commit to behaviour change. A professional who went through their personal struggles with eating and body image can often emphasize in a way that is trusting and genuine. Talking therapy and counselling focus mainly on the past and emotions and miss the opportunity to look at nutrition and biochemistry. Coaching closes the missing component by setting goals for each week to ensure slow and steady progress.

Lots of approaches work against our human psychology

The stronger the food restrictions, rules and strict regimes, the stronger the desire to eat those foods. Food and weight fear are often a way to create control especially when other areas of our lives feel out of control. Decisions are driven by our psychology, old rewiring and even traumas. We explore this deeper level of who we are as eaters and our deeper needs. When we identify the root cause, we can address the key drivers. Only then can we instigate change and rewire our relationship with food.

Lack of long-term support for consistency to overcome eating disorders

We all start our journey with the best intentions. However, recovery is hard. There is a moment when ongoing changes become very scary and we give up. With our ongoing 1:1 deep, impactful and timely coaching you have always someone who holds your hand, supports, encourages and motivates you to continue with progress towards your goals.

Here is what you will experience instead:



Almost immediately you will become aware of the hidden elements that create your relationship with food. You will know how to be more mindful of your triggers and which tools to apply. This will allow you to make empowered decisions so your relationship with food becomes easy.



You will know how to make smart dietary adjustments to reprogram the three key barriers to healthy eating: food fear, overeating, cravings, or poor food choices. Feeling confident with our food choices helps us to feel at ease with food guilt-free.



Eugenia struggled with disordered eating and several eating disorders for over a decade. She has a unique approach to recovery from any challenges around food and body. With a combination of coaching and therapy tools, you will dive deeper into the WHY and at the same time set small goals that will lead to steady progress. You can count on a loving, gentle and slow approach going at your own pace.



Food will become a source of nourishment and energy instead of fear. You will feel confident around food you usually avoid. Imagine, enjoying food guilt-free, without overthinking or worrying. Enjoy the food you love and move on with your life.


We help you recover from eating disorders and disordered eating.

Our gentle approach to food will empower you to create an easy, healthy and confident relationship with food.

We focus on your brain when treating eating disorders, eating related difficulties and body image concerns.

By changing the brain using psychology, cognitive and behavioural science we change how you think and feel towards food and your body.

We change how you think and feel about food, eating and your body image with psychology.

Food decisions are driven by our psychology. Together, we explore underlying fears, concerns, triggers, and the psychology of your thoughts. This way we can address the key drivers of your decisions and instigate change.

Weekly personal 1:1 eating disorder therapy.

Go deeper for lasting results. Discover how you can create transformation with deep one-on-one coaching. All sessions are tailored to your unique challenges, goals and desires to get you from where you are right now to where you want to be faster.

Ready to heal your relationship with food?

You have the power to heal from an eating disorder and we are here to help.



We know this journey can be hard. Here’s how we can make it a little easier.


1. Book your free discovery call.

Get a full assessment of your history, your current challenges, and your goals. Discuss your unique approach to your weight management journey.



2. Access regular 1:1 coaching sessions

Fast track results with ongoing accountability, support, motivation and inspiration with a deep coaching approach.

3. Deepen your learning through comprehensive online programs and resources.

Learn in your own time. Catered to a busy person, our programs can be accessed on demand, anytime and anywhere.


All 1:1 coaching sessions are tailored to your unique goals.

Dive into your personal psychological aspects of food, weight and the way you think and feel about food.

Experience insightful and impactful coaching with a focus on the psychology of eating.

Finally, get your brain on the same page and put an end to night-time binges, self-sabotage and other unhealthy eating patterns.

You will always know exactly what to do to change the way you eat, move, think and feel.

Create consistency with easy to implement tools and strategies so healthy choices feel easy and automatic.

Reprogram your brain to stay on track with healthy eating and lifestyle habits.

With a focus on psychology, human behaviour and neuroscience create an easy, healthy relationship with food that lasts!


No more binge eating for Adriana

No more binge eating or purging for Jennifer

What else can you expect from working with us?



Expect more awareness and insights into why, how, when and what you eat. Learn tools, strategies and secrets that break your old, unhealthy patterns with food and rewire the way your brain thinks about what you eat.



Because the process of losing weight is full of ups and downs, and we believe everyone should be able to hit their personal goals. We believe everyone should be able to hit their personal goals, we aim for ongoing accountability, support, and motivation.

Schedule your FREE Discovery Call

On this 60-75 minutes call, we will:

  • Firstly, identify what’s keeping you stuck.
  • Then assess the best approach to stop binge eating, emotional eating and overeating.
  • In conclusion, we will create a plan to achieve your food and body goals in an effective and sustainable way.
  • At the end, we will decide whether we are a good fit to work together to get you from where you are right now to where you want to be.

We help you heal and have your freedom back – with compassion, empathy and a gentle approach to recovery.

Ready to be in control of food, weight and your health?

Join our weekly(ish) inspiration and tips to transform your mind to EAT, THINK, MOVE AND FEEL differently.

Get your free ebook here