Will I Gain Weight With Mindful Eating or Am I Going To Lose Weight?
The fear of gaining weight is the first thing we need to address. Where is the fear coming from and what is the underlying pain behind it?
We want to look good because we want to be attractive to others. Often it’s not about the body shape, it’s about love and acceptance. This may be something we feel like we didn’t receive from our parents or school friends whilst growing up. Because we feel unloved, we believe we need to change our body shape in order to get that love.

Mindful eating is about being aware of what and how much we are eating; and observing the thoughts and feelings that are coming up. It is not about changing our body, but to actually be present with food and take the fear out of eating.
You wont necessarily lose or gain weight. It is intended that your body will balance itself out naturally and find the spot where it feels much more comfortable with the weight and how much you are eating. For me, that was losing weight because I wasn’t restricting and then overeating.
Transform your eating and free yourself from your Battle with Food and and Weight. A 6 weeks group online course to free yourself from Binge Eating and Emotional Eating. Check out my Food Freedom Formula online course.
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